Saturday 3 January 2015

The Boy in my dreams
                - Sukanya Chaudhuri

I saw him again, in my dream
sitting alone by the stream.
His emarald view took over my soul.
With just a glance, my heart, he stole!

His flawless straight black hair.
His scent lingering in the air.
His serene eyes were a hint of brown
What a lovely majestic hue!

His skin, lighter than ivory.
His inner beauty was like mystery.
His cheeks had a chubby feel.
and in the centre, a delicate nose.

His shining lips were luscious pink
I stared at him without a blink
His dress was all meaty brown
With a pair of specs shining with intellect!

With a guitar gripped by his fine hands.
His intense looks did sweep me off my feet.
I then realized- the boy in my dreams-

Is the man of my life.

This one is dedicated to the man I love. I wrote it I was just a girl of eighteen and he too was just a boy. I am grateful to the Almighty for sending him- the most precious gift of my life.

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