Thursday 28 February 2013


Dream That Only Looms

I ran, I ran, with a reckless valor,
My feet sped in a vehement vigor.
But I still felt – I ran in vain!
I felt smothered by the mist – Was I sane?
With my knees trembling and knuckles cold,
I strived harder to tear apart the buckles old.
My struggling vision found it too near me;
And I deemed – if only I were free!
Sometimes it seemed to play a cruel game;
None save the Savior could find it tame…
It was sultry with a blur suffusing the pall.
I had chased it – my dream,
But spent as I was, I could only scream –
It was surreal – it was a dream that only looms…

Tuesday 19 February 2013



A beautiful face looked at her from above,
A face, smiling at her, with hair flowing about
The child giggled, groping with her hands towards the flowing hair...
The face bent down and kissed the two-year-old's forehead.
Suddenly the face started fading away,
And slowly, it vanished, smiling one last beautiful smile.
The child cried out loud, and frantically looked around
Searching for that face, which had so much kindness in its eyes...

It was midnight; the girl sat up straight in her bed.
Sweat beaded her forehead,
Tears filled her eyes, rolled down her cheek.
Her eyes searched carefully for that caring face...
There was none; she was alone, lost in the dark gloom of midnight.
She realised she had been dreaming,
Dreaming of her long lost mother...
Tears streamed down her face...
She looked up into the empty sky through window.
"I am deprived, deprived of my mother's love"
Her words reverberated in the silence.
But far up, from that black emptiness, smiled down at her, 
That beautiful face...


Her Inherent Sorrow

She strains her eyes out the window…
She despises the sight… so bright, so lively, and so blissful…
She despises the fact that the world cannot perceive her grief.
That she suffers in silence, only herself wary of her inherent sorrow.
To the world, she smiles; she laughs and appears customary,
Yet she crumbles within, as no one can ever comprehend what she goes through…
She pulls down the curtain, obscuring the gaily light.
Tears sting at her eyes, yet she forces herself to be strong, she fights them back.
She keeps on asking herself, what she has done, 
That the kindly Almighty, is punishing her in this unkindly manner?
What harm had she brought? What is the reason behind her angst?
The answer, though, she never gets.
 Her mind wanders back… to the precedent…
She cannot evoke what went wrong.
She cannot recall what she did, to have lost such a precious person in her life.
She only remembers~ how he left her, all alone, abandoned, forgotten.
Surely, she must have done something wrong, somewhere, sometime, in her life,
To be bestowed upon with such a penalty…
No matter how much she tries, she cannot put a finger on exactly what.
She brushes back a strand of hair.
Those memories, she feels them ebbing away…
She tires to hold on, but they go farther apart, from the tips of her fingers…
How she longs for time to wind back itself,
How she longs that she could mend everything again,
How she longs that… he could see what he has done to her…
Isn't she suffering enough to be forgiven? Is he so heartless?
She doesn't want anything else, just another chance to prove herself.
As much as she consoles herself, deep down, she knows,
She lost him for good.


The Citadel

The door, a giant, is shut for years,
With a full-time history that it bears.
The window is ajar,
But the blinds drawn;
Sunlight peeping but the darkness strong.
Rain pours in an incessant clatter –
But only the walls do reverberate the chatter!
Birds get mellow in the days of spring,
But there’s no heart which they can ring!
Statues and paintings mournfully be –
With not a pair of eyes to soulfully see.
The petrifying awe of the citadel –
Now stands to cast its spell
A golden history that it once had,
The cast aspirations mar it so glad!
Time – so cruel – did annihilate the grand,
The generation then was razed to the ground!

I am Loneliness...

I take a seize over your mind, 

Numbing all cries and wails – 

Only sobs are left to sink into… 

I sedate you all – 

And you accept the seclusion helplessly! 

Being with me – with some purpose – 

May be a pleasure… 

But being with me only because, 

Others compel you to be so – 

Is just like a burning flame, isn't it? 

– A pain that I serve with to gradually 

blemish your living; 

And to poison your hopes! 

All because I know – 

Once the hopes die, 

The heart easily meets its demise… 

Thus I destroy – 

Without any panic, 

Within the arms of eerie silence 

and uncanny manipulation… 

I am… 
